Thursday, 24 July 2008

The Dominic King Show

Today was like my starter day for the radio. I basically shadowed Steve the producer and learnt more about how the show operates etc... On monday I'll actually be answering phones and calling guests etc etc... gulp!

After the show I went up to the newsroom to do some Blast type stuff/email etc etc when a guy came to talk to Jo, one of the Online journos, about the webtrail. Each week a voice over is recorded and broadcasted on the radio (a trail) about whats on the BBC Kent website. As I was to be mentioned at the end it the script ended up as "And, I, Frankie Ward will be"...yep I got to do the voice over. At first I did it too fast, or stumbled over hard-to-read words (it was quickly handwritten with words omitted that I jotted down) but in the end, I think we got a good take and hopefully it will be used from tomorrow...hoorah! Hopefully I can get some audio for the Blast site...

Frank. x

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